“For [simply] consider your own call, brethren; not many [of you were considered to be] wise according to human estimates and standards, not many influential and powerful, not many of high and noble birth. [No] for God selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame, and what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame.”
1 Corinthians 1:26-27 AMPC
The longer I live, the more I sense the urgency of the days we are in—an urgency that whispers to our hearts, reminding us that our time is short and that Jesus’s return is near. And yet, instead of slowing down, we race against time, spinning in the whirlwind of daily demands. We love our families, our homes, and our work—but sometimes it seems like too much. Too many distractions, too many expectations, too little time. And yet, amid all this, God is gently calling us to be still. To hear His voice.
The pressures of social media, the headlines that leave your heart heavy, the friends who misunderstand you because of your faith. It seems everywhere I turn, there is an opportunity for distraction and division. We live in heated times, and making a stand for what is righteous may leave one open for all kinds of criticism. So how do you navigate social media and the frustrations that rise from current events? How do we focus on what God is calling us to do when we are imperfect, busy, and distracted?
A Season of Busy
If you are like me, you’ve been in a season of “busy.” There is so much vying for our attention, and many times I’ve thought, “why am I even doing this?” Do you feel like you work all the time or you are so focused on every scheduled activity that you wonder where the time has gone? How can you add a specific assignment from God to the overwhelming tasks you undertake every day?
An often-quoted verse, Ecclesiastes 3:1, tells us that there is a time for everything. Don’t confuse that with “there is time for everything.” We are going to need to make some choices about how we spend our time if we are going to complete the assignment God has for us.
So how do we choose what matters most? The first step is often the hardest: slowing down so we can spend time with God. Slowing down may feel like a luxury we cannot afford, but we cannot afford not to make time for God. When I am busily focused on a project, I put off things like going to bed at a decent hour. “Give me five more minutes, I’m almost done,” I have frequently said to my husband.

Five Minutes Matters
While finishing what you start is an outstanding character trait, God can do more in five minutes than we can. It has been my experience that when I make time for God in my day, even if it is just five minutes, I get more accomplished than when I don’t. It’s even better when I start my day with Him before I check my email. Have you ever read the book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? I’m a bit like that mouse. One task leads to another, and before I know it, I’ve completely missed spending any time in prayer or in the Word. Time with God can reshape our entire day. He can multiply your peace, wisdom, joy, and strength as you complete each task ahead of you.
In 1 Corinthians 1, Paul writes to the church in Corinth. He calls those followers of Jesus “consecrated and purified and made holy in Christ Jesus, [who are] selected and called to be saints (God’s people)” (1 Corinthians 1:2a, AMPC). The King James Version of this passage calls the believers “sanctified,” which means set apart, to make holy.1 Even reading this verse makes me think about how I don’t measure up to that standard. But we don’t determine the truth of the Word. It’s truth no matter our feelings. He’s set us apart, because the Word tells us He has. And He didn’t do that because we are perfect, but because He’s perfecting us. It’s a growing process, and as we learn more about Him and spend time with Him and in His Word, our choices align more with His Word and character each day.
God’s Word remains true, regardless of our feelings.
It helps us to be set apart when we choose to set apart time for Him every day. Remembeer, sanctification doesn’t mean we are perfect, but our aim is to choose righteousness in our daily life, even over “being right.” It helps us respond more like He would than how we might prefer responding when we invite ourselves into others’ conversations as we scroll social media.
Presence over Distraction
The second thing that helps me in overcoming being imperfect, busy, and distracted is to be present in the moment. When I put my phone down and engage my senses, I find I enjoy my environment so much more! Sometimes our responsibilities have us checking our phone periodically. I understand that. But when we can turn it off, leave the phone plugged up in an office or bedroom and walk away, we can be more engaged with people around us.
The sweetest moments—the ones that linger in my heart—are the ones where I’m fully present. No screens, no agendas distracting me—just laughter with my family or friends. Technology certainly has its benefits, so record the dance, take the pictures, and video those first steps. But then put the phone away and savor the life you are living. It’s refreshing when we are all-in with those we spend time with.

Colossians 4:5 says, “Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity” (AMPC). When we live distracted, we can miss opportunities to speak life and hope to those around us. No matter where we are, we must be mindful of every opportunity God presents to us, because those moments may never come again.
Don’t miss your chance to leave a lasting mark on someone’s heart.
We read in Colossians 4:6, “Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a question to you]” (AMPC). We want the things we say and do to make others thirsty for Jesus. So, kick up your heels, enjoy every moment with those you love, and laugh often. People will want to know why you can live so freely!
Change of Plans
Last week after work, I planned to go home, get on my computer, and work on a new project I was very excited about. As I drove in front of my house, however, I noticed that one of my bushes desperately needed a trim. My husband had trimmed the hedges against the house the previous weekend, but we’d missed the one in the yard. Now it was sticking out like a sore thumb.
I parked the car, changed clothes and let the dog out back, then grabbed my gloves and hedge trimmers. In no time, the bush was in better shape. As I cleaned up the clippings, I noticed the weeds tucked in to the border around the bush, so I tackled that minor project. When I finished, I stepped back and surveyed my efforts. Apart from a couple of ant bites, I was thrilled with how it turned out.
Choose a Life of Purpose
I might not have accomplished what I’d originally planned, but I was productive. If you find yourself so busy that you take no time to do something different, you might be too busy. A dear pastor, Rich Bowen, once said, “If you don’t come apart, you’ll come apart.” We all need a change of scenery and activity from time-to-time. Even kicking off your shoes and walking barefoot in the grass can bring emotional and physical healing. Let the wind tousle your hair or smell the rain from a porch swing and thank God for His creation. He made it for us to use and enjoy! Then, after you have taken some time for yourself, you may find yourself awash with fresh ideas and a sparkling perspective you’d never have gotten otherwise!
“Come apart so you don’t come apart.” -R. Bowen
Ephesians 5:15-17 (AMPC) says, “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.”
The Lord calls us to live as a wise person. But He doesn’t measure wisdom the way we might. It isn’t about how many degrees you hold or your years of experience that grants you the title of “wise one.” Remember, in 1 Corinthians, He tells us to “simply consider your own call…God deliberately chose what the world considers foolish to put the wise to shame.” We are to live purposefully, as wise people do, using our time wisely for time is short! Jesus could come any day. When that trumpet sounds and we rise to meet Him in the air, will we have left anything undone?

God is Calling You
I am imperfect, busy, and sometimes distracted from my call. But God is still calling, “Come to me, daughter. Come hear My heartbeat. Curl up in My lap and get My plans as I whisper the directions to you.” He’s calling you, too. He hasn’t forgotten you. He sees every effort, every tear, and every act of faithfulness, even when no one else does.
Let’s not leave anything undone. Let’s not waste time waiting for the perfect moment to obey His call. Instead, let’s embrace this season with all its imperfections, trusting that God is weaving something greater than we can imagine through our daily faithfulness.
Come away with Him. Let Him speak to your heart. Step out of the rush and rest in His presence, because in that stillness, you will find strength for the call in this imperfect, busy, distracted world.

At the top of this post, there is a space on the right side of the page where you can submit a request for me to pray over this week. I’m believing the best for you as you pursue what God is calling you to do. Set aside the desire for perfection, make wise choices with your time, and don’t let distractions keep you from your purpose!
If you’re not too busy, learn about when I had a meltdown and “quit” my calling.
Check out the post “The Day I Quit: Finding Strength When Frustration Takes Over.“
Do you enjoy journaling or writing down what God is speaking to your heart in your Bible study time? If so, check out my Encoura-Journals! Each one is full of scripture to encourage you in your pursuit of Him! Find the Create Encoura-Journal on Amazon!

- “G37 – hagiazō – Strong’s Greek Lexicon (kjv).” Blue Letter Bible. Accessed 20 Sep, 2024. https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g37/kjv/tr/0-1/ ↩︎