Priceless Believing for a Miracle Diamond


“Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called your name. You’re mine. When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end— Because I am God, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you. . . That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you!
I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you.”

Isaiah 43:1b -4 (MSG)

A Tough Day

Yesterday was a rather difficult day for me. Do you ever have those days where you wake up long before your alarm clock sounds and then things just don’t stop until long past your usual bedtime? Non-stop, fast and furious – yesterday was that day for me, an attack on simple sanity.

In the wee hours of the morning, realizing the evasion of sleep, I decided to go ahead and get up. After all, I decided if I couldn’t sleep, at least I could be productive! I spent most of my day at the computer, breaking for lunch around 2:00. The evening wasn’t much slower, however. Finally, I sat down to pan-fried chicken over a lovely salad at about 8:00. Then, I put that on hold to handle some new things that popped up. When everything was accomplished, I melted into the sofa cushions and turned on the television.

The first bite of that salad was perfection. I was tired and I was hungry. Then, reaching over to grab my glass of fruit punch, I felt something odd on my left hand. My wedding rings had turned around on my finger due to the cold, and I’d felt a rather sharp edge.

I placed my glass back down and took a closer look. Something looked amiss. Quickly, turning my phone’s light onto my ring finger, I looked again. Sure enough, one of the prongs on my wrap felt a little sharp because it was out of place. Alas, a hole replaced the diamond that I expected to see.

Lost Diamond


I just stared at the ring for a while. Surely the empty gray space where the stone belonged was a figment of my imagination. I must be seeing things! There was no way I could be missing a diamond!

But, sadly, I was. I put my unfinished dinner to the side. I looked all around where I was sitting and didn’t see the missing stone anywhere. I looked around my desk, under folders, and around my books. I got the broom and carefully started sweeping. I lifted every dust bunny in the dustpan checking underneath for the diamond. Carefully raking around particles of dirt and glitter with my fingernail, I checked every section of the yellow pan. I repeated this process painstakingly around my living room, kitchen, and bedroom.

My youngest son noticed my distress and lifted the sofa so that I could carefully sweep there. He kept confessing, “Mom, you’re gonna find it!  You’re gonna have a dream and the Holy Spirit is going to show you where it is!” I encouraged his confessions, but my heart just felt so heavy. I prayed for the Lord to show me the location of the missing stone. I searched every nook and cranny I could imagine it being.

It was quite late when Keith called to me from the bedroom. Knowing I’d already had a longer-than-usual day, he told me to go on to bed. I complied, but just felt defeated and deflated at not having found the diamond in all my searching.

Lost Sheep

Sadly, I laid in the bed. Needing comfort that can only come from One, I began to search the Word. I ran across a parable found in Luke chapter 15. It was the parable of the lost sheep.

In the story, Jesus describes a shepherd who watches over 100 sheep in a pasture. I can imagine, if you will, the sheep calmly grazing in the lush green meadow, with the shepherd laying against a black mulberry tree playing a small wooden harp. Such a picturesque scene.

In the story, Jesus describes the persistent search of one missing sheep, which probably meandered inattentively searching for greener pastures. The story further details a shepherd leaving 99 sheep in the open field without his protection. The purpose of which, to find that one lost, wayward sheep. When the shepherd finds the lost sheep, however, he joyfully carries him back to the fold and calls the neighbors to rejoice with him.

This passage of Scripture is a parable. That means it has a specific message that is the purpose behind telling the story. In this instance, Jesus is referring to the rejoicing that occurs in Heaven when one lost person repents and gives their heart to Him.

The Value of a Diamond

I then began to search the Word for any mention of the word diamond. Do you know, I didn’t find very much! Ezekiel lists diamonds as one of the precious stones covering the angel Lucifer. In Jeremiah, a diamond point is mentioned as part of an iron engraving tool – an analogy noting its hardness being such that would make a difference on a hard heart entrenched in sin.

I thought it strange that as valuable as we consider diamonds to be, God surely doesn’t mention them very much in His Word! Moreover, the most valuable thing mentioned in Scripture is US! WE are so important to God that He gave His Son so that we would not have to live life here or eternity in separation from Him. We are more valuable than diamonds. You see, diamonds are hardly even worth mentioning.

This morning, I placed my ring in the jewelry box to await repair, and I’m meditating on the value God places on me. I searched high and low and in every single place I could think that diamond could have rolled or bounced. Joyfully, I accepted the help of my child, who was concerned on my behalf. But, even to the extent I looked for that small stone, that is NOTHING in comparison to how God desires us to be found in Him. How great is His love for us!

Know Your Real Worth

Today, as you go from task to task, in meetings, on the phone, on the computer, cooking, cleaning, taking care of your family, studying, wielding a hammer or a pencil – whatever it is that you do – remember your worth. First, you are more precious than diamonds. Second, He created you uniquely and as one-of-a-kind. Lastly, you are rarer than the rarest of diamonds. If we are to be lost, let’s be lost in our awareness of who He sees us to be. Further, let’s be found realizing His love for us and worshiping the One who knows our true value.

What is your real worth? In short, you are priceless.

[tweetshare tweet=”Never forget your real worth. You are priceless! Let’s get lost in our awareness of who God sees us to be!” username=”HollyDMurray”]

For more encouragement, order Holly’s book, Believing for a Miracle, in print or ebook on Amazon!

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