Disqualified by Doubts and Fears? Discover How to Still Answer God’s Call


“Not that we are sufficiently qualified in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency and qualifications come from God.”

2 Corinthians 3:5, AMP

When God called me to write, I glanced around to determine who He was speaking to. As I scanned the empty chairs, the answer was obvious—it was me. But surely, there had to be some mistake. I was not qualified to take on a project of this magnitude. I spent the next several moments creating an extensive argument with God, listing every reason I could think of why I wasn’t the right woman for the job. 

When I got no response, I went to my husband, expecting him to agree that this new “suggestion” from God was impossible to add to my already overwhelming list of responsibilities. Instead, my husband, traitorously and with much enthusiasm, said, “That’s great! You should do it!”

Doubts and fear bombarded my mind over the next several weeks and months. I imagined the whispers of women like Sister Suzie, questioning, “Who does she think she is?” I asked myself the same question, so why wouldn’t she? I wasn’t qualified. It wasn’t just about writing—it was about stepping into something unfamiliar, the unknown, with no real stepping stones to follow to get to a destination that I couldn’t even define.

Why Do You Feel Disqualified?

When God calls you to do something, you can bet the enemy will try to convince you that you’re not enough. Satan is a proficient liar, and he’s not afraid to whisper those lies in your ear when you are most vulnerable. He would say anything to distract you from God’s purpose. John 8:44b (AMP) says, “When he (the enemy) lies, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies and half-truths.”

If only I could say fulfilling your calling would feel like walking through a field of wildflowers with the sun on your face and a gentle breeze in your hair. I wish I could say that as soon as you stepped forward in obedience, thousands of other women would gather around you affirming your perfect solution for their life. I wish I could tell you it was easy. 

If I said that, I’d be lying.

Admitting God’s call takes guts.

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Following God’s call is hard work. It requires grit, determination, and a willingness to battle through doubts and fears. Now that the harsh truth is out, let me share something that helped me. After God called me to write, my small group leader handed me a half-sheet of paper with a simple message: “If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.” I wrote my calling and dreams on the back.

Let me tell you, writing what God is calling you to do or dreams He has placed in your heart takes guts. I felt worse than silly. It was embarrassing! I wanted to tuck it into the pages of my Bible and slam it shut before anyone else in my small group read what I’d written.

Those words, “Who do you think you are?” echoed in my mind. And the “what-ifs” flooded in: What if people laugh? What if I’m not good enough or if nobody listens? What if I failed? 

I’ve heard many lies regarding my calling: You won’t be able to finish what you start. You don’t have the ability or the resources. Somebody else is already doing that with tremendous success. You are nobody special, just a small fish in a big pond. Would God really use someone like me?

Familiar Lies and What-Ifs

Do these lies sound familiar? Has the enemy whispered lies and “what-ifs” to you, too? What if people laugh or you lack the ability? What if you fail?

But what if you don’t? Imagine the possibilities when you answer God’s call and succeed. You are not disqualified because of the enemy’s lies. The answers you require are in His Word, and the Holy Spirit is waiting to teach and lead you every step of the way. The Word says in 2 Corinthians 3:5 (AMP), “Not that we are sufficiently qualified in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency and qualifications come from God.” The next verse affirms that it is the Spirit of God that gives life, making our dreams and callings bear fruit as we obey what He commands.

The Power of the Word

When we feel inadequate or disqualified, we draw encouragement from the Word. Hebrews 4:12a says, “For the Word of God is living, and active, and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective].” (AMP). If the Word of God can transform lives and bring victory, then search it to gain the courage to overcome fear and combat the lies.

There is a corkboard beside my desk adorned with the prettiest pink rose thumbtacks. It’s a place where I pin Bible verses, encouraging words from friends, and quotes that inspire me. When doubts creep in, I look to that board and remember God has equipped me. He’s equipped you, too.

The Word works regardless of how pretty you make it! Having a firm foundation on which to stand when doubts and fear try to rear their ugly heads keeps us from quitting too soon. You have the weapon with which to fight, so write it down, read it often, and pray about God’s instructions. He has the perfect blueprint for your life.

The Word works regardless of how pretty you make it,
so write it down, read it often, and pray about God’s plan.

The Enemy Says You’re Disqualified.

God realized the enemy would lie to us, trying to make us feel disqualified to carry out His call, and His Word is the key to overcoming the lies. Consider the lie, “Who do you think you are?”

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (ESV). God didn’t make a mistake when He called you. He planned it all along. In fact, He created you for it.

When you wonder if you’ll be able to finish what you start, remember Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (ESV). He will give you what you need and help you finish what you start.

If you wonder, “Do I have the ability?”

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (ESV). You can do everything God asks you to do!

Are you concerned you lack the resources to fulfill your calling and that leaves you disqualifed?

Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will supply every need of ours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (ESV). He won’t supply just a few needs, but every single one.

Is somebody else doing what you feel called to do, and they are excelling?

Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (ESV). He won’t change His mind about what He has called you to do or withdraw the assignment, no matter how many people seem to be doing something similar. Only you can reach the people with the message God gives you.

Confront the lies, “Nobody knows me, so what does it matter? I’m a small fish in a big pond,” with a verse from Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations—that’s what I had in mind for you” (MSG). You aren’t “nobody.” God loves, knows, calls, and chooses you. That’s an impressive pedigree!

God Qualified Paul

Apostle Paul recorded most of the scriptures I used to rebut the enemy’s lies. If anyone should be disqualified from ministry, it would be Paul, right? Before his conversion to Christ, he sought to imprison and murder followers of Jesus! Yet God used Paul to bring the gospel to the Gentiles and write half of the New Testament.

I wonder how often the enemy whispered lies to Paul’s heart as he endured unthinkable conditions in a Roman prison. Yet there he wrote, “Brothers, I do not count myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14, MEV). Paul wasn’t disqualified from God’s call because of his past. He remembered who qualified him.

You are not Disqualified. God is Your Qualifier.

God knew every lie Satan would ever tell you. He foresaw each mistake you’d ever make that the enemy would bring to your remembrance. God was aware of every word you’d ever speak that the enemy would whisper back to your ears to try to make you feel disqualified. God knew every attack the enemy would use before He planted the dream in your heart. He knew before He called you. And He called you anyway.

God uses His imperfect, busy, often-distracted people to carry out His call because that’s all He has! If you are imperfect but willing, busy but willing, distracted but willing, then you are qualified! He seeks someone willing to say yes to Him.

You don’t have to answer every phone call. When the enemy comes calling (and he will), don’t pick up the phone. You are not disqualified from God’s assignment for you. Remember, the Word of God says in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “The One who called you is completely dependable. If He said it, He’ll do it!” (MSG). He calls us first to Himself, for salvation, then to take His message of love and hope to others.

Your Call is Unique and You are Enough

The call God has for you is as unique as you are. Nothing in your past or any lie the enemy dares to declare makes you disqualified from walking it out. God qualified you when He planned it for you, and He will help you every step of the way. You don’t have to rely on your worth, strengths, personal provision, or abilities. The next time you hear that nagging voice saying you’re not enough, remember that God knew everything about you before He called you. He’s not looking for perfect women; He’s looking for willing ones. 

You have everything you need to step into your calling. So, go ahead—trust Him. Delight yourself in Him and following His leading. The destination will be worth it!

Are You Ready for a Step of Boldness?

I know it might make you a little nervous, but are you ready to put on paper what God is calling you to do, or the dreams for which you are believing? If you are, grab a pen and something on which to write! Write a scripture or two you can stand on as you believe. 

When you finish, put it where you can see it, so you can pray over what this will look like for you as you step out in obedience. If you would like me to be praying with you, fill out the prayer request form on the sidebar to the right, and I will begin praying the Word over you specifically this week! Also, be sure to pop over to the “free gifts” tab to download a 5×7 copy of the “If You’re Waiting for a Sign, This is It” to print and post as a reminder to get started on what God is calling you to do!



Looking for why God might call you to do something out of your comfort zone? Read “Dust Off Your Dreams” to learn more!

Want to learn more about the book God called me to write?
View a free sample of Believing for a Miracle!

Believing for a Miracle Holly Murray Author Editor

4 thoughts on “Disqualified by Doubts and Fears? Discover How to Still Answer God’s Call”

  1. Holly Murray.
    Your email induced straight tears for many reasons. I’m in another country where English is the second language, but your words still ring true and are universally encouraging. I thank God for you. Amazing job!!

    1. Paula,
      Thank you for your encouragement. When lessons hit the mark exactly as they should, they are often memorable years down the road. They truly become like apples of gold in settings of silver. I’ve had many like that in my life, and I’m ever thankful for each one.

  2. Holly,
    I finally was able to sit and read your post/blog. Oh how I needed to read and digest your words. I gleaned a freshness from the scriptures and encouragement. My heart is aching to write and blog. Life the past few years is not what my husband and I planned, but God knew we would be right here. I am overwhelmed, but know this too shall pass.
    Love and miss you my friend,

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