“Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”
John 16:24, ESV
Two years of chemotherapy. To an eleven-year-old, it lasted forever. As his mother, it seemed that way to me, as well. The hours we spent praying and speaking the Word were countless. We wrote scripture on index cards and posted them all around the house and in our hospital room with each visit. Whether I was cooking dinner, getting ready for work, or meeting another nurse, I had the Word in my line of sight.
When you want something badly enough, you will do anything. You will do everything! We were desperate for God’s touch and He did not disappoint. God defied every prognosis we were given, and our joy was indeed full.
Another Call
Then we got another call. My sister-in-law received a cancer diagnosis as well. We were devastated as our minds went back to the years of treatment and side-effects our young son had endured. I geared up to fight a battle with which we were familiar. I pulled out the index cards again and began declaring the Word over my sweet sister.

The war waged. After a long season of fighting, I could sense that she was tired. I prayed, declared, argued, and cried out to my Father. I questioned and pled her case, wondering why the answer I was praying for delayed. Giving up was not my desire, but I didn’t know how long I should keep believing for the miracle that was not yet evident.
How Long Do I Keep Believing?

I asked a precious friend for godly counsel. How long do I keep believing and praying over someone who is tired of being sick, tired of medicine, and tired of fighting back? What do I do? What do I pray?
“Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.”
Proverbs 27:9, TPT
My friend’s answer was simple and profound. She said, “Keep praying the Word. Never stop praying and speaking the Word, no matter what the circumstances.”
You see, I was focusing on what I was seeing, and in doing so, I had taken a burden that wasn’t mine. In doing something good, fervent prayer, I had assumed liability for the healing. My job wasn’t to heal my sister-in-law. It wasn’t up to me, and I couldn’t bear the burden of when or how healing manifested. My only job was to follow Jesus’ example. He always prayed and spoke the Word of God, and that is what I must always do, too.

Fullness of Joy
God doesn’t always answer us in exactly the same way. There is no magic prayer formula. His command is to ask in His name and receive what He has for us. Keep believing. The fullness of joy we receive isn’t because we get everything for which we ask. The fullness of joy is that we learn to trust Him with every need and situation we face.
We need unwavering faith in His ability and trust He will keep His Word. It really is that simple. It’s not my job to be God. My job is to believe Him. Take Him at His Word. Receive, that your joy may be full.

A Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the powerful promises in Your Word. They are for me!
Your Word says in 2 Corinthians 1:20, “For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are all answered ‘Yes.’ So through Him we say our ‘Amen’ to the glory of God.” I give You all glory for Your promises and agree with Your Word for every promise in my life.
I submit my life and will to You, and trust You with every situation. I thank You for the fullness of joy that comes through trusting You and relying on Your Word. Your Word is alive, active, and working in me, and I will keep believing it. I cast every care on You, knowing You care for me, and I receive the strength and joy of the Lord as my portion today.
In Jesus’ Name,
Let’s Talk!
Do you have good, godly friends you can go to for prayer or when you have questions? Praise God for your friends! Post their name in the comments below and share with them how they have blessed your life.
If you don’t have a close friend from whom you can receive godly counsel, ask God to bless you with a good friend. Make it a matter of prayer and keep believing. His Word says a man who has friends must himself be friendly (Proverbs 18:24). Be the friend you need to someone else and watch God’s Word work!
I can’t wait to hear from you!

Free Printable:

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Today’s Must-Read Recommendation:
Empowered: A 31-Day Devotional to Empower Your Every Day
Get Rhonda Matthew’s 31-Day devotional, Empowered to empower your every day.
You’ll find her books as well as books and journals by other authors online at Integrity Publishing. (Purchases also available directly through Amazon.)